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HM The King is Patron of the PBS

Buckingham Palace has announced that His Majesty the King has decided to remain as Patron of the Prayer Book Society.

To mark the first anniversary of Their Majesties’ Coronation, a letter confirming the decision stated that His Majesty  “would be delighted to retain the Patronage of the Prayer Book Society.”  The announcement followed a review of the Patronages of the late Queen, former Prince of Wales and the former Duchess of Cornwall.

The Society, which marked its 50th anniversary recently, enjoyed the Patronage of the King as Prince of Wales.

“The PBS is delighted and honoured that His Majesty the King has chosen to continue his patronage into the future,” says Bradley Smith, the Chairman of the Prayer Book Society. “We thank him for his continued support. The officers and members of the Prayer Book Society send their loyal greetings to the King and Queen as they continue to pray for them and all members of the Royal Family.”

In 2019, His Majesty, as Prince of Wales, presented the Cranmer Awards to students at Lambeth Palace. At the event he spoke of the Prayer Book as "a vital part of our inheritance".

For more than half a century the PBS has been keeping the Book of Common Prayer at the worshipping centre of the Church of England. With 200 corporate member churches and other organisations and over 2,000 members, the PBS continues to champion the work that has been the authorised text for worship in Anglican churches for more than 350 years.

Members of the Royal Family serve as Patrons of over 3,000 charities, military associations, professional bodies and public service organisations across the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the wider world.

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