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PBS Pilgrimage Day 7

Early morning saw the pilgrims at the top of Mount Tabor, a three mile journey from the ground. Here we celebrated Holy Communion and reflected on Our Lord's Transfiguration. Afterwards, we were able to gaze out on the biblical landscape from the viewing platform.

We travelled on to Nazareth where, at 'Nazareth Village', we had a very useful experience of how the place would have been at the time of Christ. The highlights included a genuine first-century winepress which would definitely have been used by people whom Christ knew.

Nazareth is the place of the Annunciation of Our Lord, so it was appropriate that we used the Prayer Book Collect for the Feast, before entering the great Basilica which houses the traditional location of the angelic announcement.

We also visited Mary's Well, where the stream of flowing water reminded us of the generosity of God's grace. We were then warmly welcomed by the local Anglican community of Christ Church, Nazareth.

On a lighter note, Nazareth is proud of its sweet pastry treat called Baclava, which pilgrims enjoyed on their journey back to Tiberias.

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